Thursday, August 28, 2014

Right to be righteous.!!

Christian faith and life is built around the reality of Kingdom of God. It could be maintained by our relationship with God and with His creations. We know Sermon on the Mount is the most influential teaching of Jesus which proclaims the principles of the Kingdom. Beatitudes in Chapter 5 contains the blessed conditions of a disciple in the Kingdom. The word blessed denotes a complete and perfect happiness in the inner person. Thus it may contradict to the general notion regarding blessing.

Verse 5 gives the condition of righteousness. God is a righteous God which was manifested through His life and ministry. As a follower of Christ we have to act as agents of righteousness for the oppressed and dominated people by making them aware of their bondages.

The religious people of Jesus’s time were looking at the outward expressions of a person. Their spirituality was concentrated on certain external factors. They were the people of law or custom. They avoid the significance of internal condition of a person. Jesus right away called them hypocrites. We are to be righteous in our relation with a righteous and just God, primarily through our inner being. But it is sure that what is there in our inner self will manifest in our outward personality.

This particular verse is affixed with the human experience of thirst and hunger. That gives us the idea of continuous strive for righteousness in our life. We have to work for bringing righteousness in our and others life. If we dedicate ourselves for a righteous life through our words, deeds and attitude, then the righteous God will fulfil us with heavenly blessings.

The verse 10, reminds us of the blessed experience of a people who are suffering or persecuted because of righteousness. It is a very plain fact that righteous would undergo sufferings in their life. This verse pronounces the right reward of a righteous person. Jesus says theirs is the kingdom of heaven. We may undergo difficulties and harsh experiences if we stand for righteousness in our life. But we have to live for establishing righteousness in our self, in our personality, our dealings and in our relations. Friend, God will definitely establish His righteousness in our life at the right time. God wants us to be glad always and to follow His path not with feeling of resentment, grudge or anxiety.
So we have to be bold enough to proclaim and establish the values of the Kingdom of God. It will enable us to see and experience the beauty of His Kingdom in our midst now and in our relations....
